Grich's World of GIS

Comments on ArcGIS and the industry

Location: Portland, Oregon

I have been in the Geographic Information Systems industry since graduating with a BS in Geography from Portland State Univ in 1994. Geography is COOL!

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

GIS User's Best of the Year

GIS User, which I have linked on the left, mostly regurgitates industry news and press releases. But that's not all it does and here are some of the better articles and services that they covered this last year, picked by the editor:
Geobase. If you are interested in geomatics initiatives in Canada, where GIS all started in the 60s.
A look at the design process at getting a map of Canada on the new $100 bill.
A guide to getting free USGS data.
A great article on how students used GIS to study cemetaries. The field of NecroGeography.
The roll of geospatial portals and infrastructure.
Also an article on Presidential election mapping resources.
Check it out.


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