Grich's World of GIS

Comments on ArcGIS and the industry

Location: Portland, Oregon

I have been in the Geographic Information Systems industry since graduating with a BS in Geography from Portland State Univ in 1994. Geography is COOL!

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

GIS helping Tsunami effort

Don't mean to make that title sound like a press release, but it kind of does. GIS News Blog posted that ESRI has their tech support staff available 24 hours a day for people working on tsunami releaf efforts, and indeed is providing many services for the releif. They have special codes that you can get if you are working on related projects. I assume that this helps those in time zones across the world, who are working while we are sleeping.
If you'll excuse me from being political, this is part of how America helps with the world. We have been critisized for not, as a government, giving as much money as some other countries like Germany and Australia. But as opposed to higher taxed societies, the United States relies on private industry and private individual effort as well as the government, and in the world there is no equal. ESRI is just another example of private industry giving a little extra during this disaster.

Also, I found this great tsunami satelite image gallery from Digital Globe. Lots of before and after shots.

UPDATE: FAO (Food and Agriculture Org of the UN) has an interesting website devoted to mapping resources, including data, and satalite images, of the tsunami affected areas. They also have digital atlases available for a small fee, including lots of maps and before/after satalite images. Some interactive maps on line too. Check it out.


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